What games did I play in May 2024?

For the curious … I am in a Board Game Tournament here in Madison, WI this summer. I have to play 8 different games (on Tuesday evenings) and see how I do playing each game twice. There are about a dozen people in the tournament. The first Tuesday of June was Catan … I took 2nd and 4th :) This coming Tuesday is Machi Koro (and you can see that I played it over a dozen times trying to figure out a strategy:) Here are the games that I played last month:

120 One Minute Video Clips

In under two hours you can get a taste of 120 (or more by the time you might be reading this) short video clips! I created a one minute (often less) clip from the videos that were in the English language (because I lack the ability to learn other languages).

I provided a clickable list of all 120 of these video clips in reverse chronological order (the most recent at the top of the list).

Try watching a clip or two (or ten) and if that clip seems interesting to you, then I also provide a link to the full video right there in the list!

=> One Minute Videos

Now over 150 Videos

Yes … that is not a misprint!

150 Videos

[actually even more than that]

I grouped all the videos, first by the year it was posted (2021, 2022, 2023, 2024) and then alphabetically by the Reviewer / Channel. If you have a favorite reviewer, you can quickly see if they are part of this massive list of videos! PLUS if you look at the bottom of the list you will find videos in languages other than English!

  1. Bosnian
  2. Czech
  3. French
  4. German
  5. Greek
  6. Polish
  7. Romanian
  8. Spanish

=> Clickable Videos List

And for the curious… here are the TWO videos that sparked my interest initially (by two of MY favorite reviewers):

* TableTop Tolson (preview) => 1min clip / full video (10 min Jan 25 2022)

* Inspired 2 Game (preview) => 1min clip / full video (20min Sep 1 2023)

Official Update 29 / 8 (Kickstarter)

=> Official Update #29 (Kickstarter)
=> Official Update #8 (Gamefound)


  1. It was a very productive month on all fronts! However, the delivery date may go from November to December due to the epic story scope!

  2. Przemek Kozlowski has provided new maps for the players to search, infiltrate, attack and/or perhaps destroy?

    Mining Stations and Spy Platforms in Space

    Linggar Bramanty keeps up his great work as well, with some of the very last enemies:

    Leviathan Guard and Drill Beetle
    Reaver and Neomorph in an Iron Man (Snake?) Suit
    New Enemy Standees

    [Len’s Note: I noticed new “icons” on the standees – and Emil provided a nice brief explanation of them:]
    The X [damage dealt] is determined by the mission segment.
    Move (3) means it moves unhindered on the map. 
    Shield (2) means that it cannot be negated by abilities or attacks that usually penetrate shields. 
    A die means that you roll for the damage dealt in the attack (potential results 0/+1/+2 damage), in this case two dice.
    Laslo Hohenwald has completed two more figures, leaving us with only two to finish before they are all done:

    Sigyn (cyborg)

    Memnon (cyborg)

Continue reading “Official Update 29 / 8 (Kickstarter)”

Enemy Standee Icons Explained

Here is what the symbols mean on the Enemy Standees:

  • Range 6 – Range is for attacks and also must be within Line of Sight from the dot in the center of the units location to the dot in the center of the target square
  • Movement 5 – how many squares the unit can move – note that they stop moving once they are within attack range
  • Damage 1 – how much damage (hits) the enemy deals on their attack
  • Die Roll damage – roll one die and add the amount of damage rolled (+1 or +2)
  • Squares Moved is the damage – the number of squares the unit moved prior to attacking is the number of damage dealt [ref: Mission C23 update 1]
  • Damage Attack Twice – this enemy will attack twice (the & 1) for each attack on it’s turn [ref: Mission C22 update 2]
  • Unblockable damage – damage dealt by this enemy cannot be blocked (deflected) by shields but immediately requires drawing damage cards
  • Shields 1 – when attacked by a hero (or otherwise receiving damage) how much of the damage  (hits) is deflected (reduce the damage inflicted by the amount of shields). Note that shields will not block a hero attack that is Unblockable and all the hero attack gets through as hits
  • Die Roll as Shield – roll one die to determine if a shield was operating (if the die rolled is a shield, then no damage is sustained) [ref: Mission C20A I update 2]
  • Hit Points (Health) 4 – how much damage this enemy must take in order to be destroyed

Enemy movement toward NEAREST hero explained

The game designer (thank you Emil) and I devised this simple chart to explain how an Enemy moves and how to determine which player (P1 or P2) is the “nearest” when the Enemy Behavior Card (EBC) specifies the enemy moving towards the “nearest”.

I inserted small grid references to show where the Enemy would end up based on its attack range – E1 is range 1, E2 for range 2, E3 for range 3 and E4 for range 4

Often, on the enemies turn, the EBC will tell you that a specific enemy should move towards the NEAREST or SECOND NEAREST player (hero). Example:

Here is how to determine WHICH HERO is the NEAREST. Simply count how many squares the enemy moves on when moving towards each hero. The smallest number of moves is the nearest hero. If both heroes are the same number of moves, then the nearest would be the one with the least diagonal moves because enemies consider diagonal moves to be slightly longer. If still the same, then “nearest” would be the hero that was last activated (the tie breaker).

So, in the grid above, we count 2 moves for the Enemy to get adjacent to Player 1 (D2 then C1) and we count 4 movies to get adjacent to Player 2 (E3 then F3 then G3 then H3 where they are adjacent diagonally). Note that when moving towards Player 2 the Enemy would go in that straight line and not use a diagonal move (such as from F3 to G2) because Enemy Priority #1 states that they always take a route to the Hero with the fewest diagonal moves (ref: rulebook page 36).

HOWEVER … when you actually move that enemy unit, you do not necessarily move it all the way until it is adjacent. You only move the enemy unit until it becomes in Range with Line of Sight (LoS). So, an enemy with an attack range of 4 would move just one square towards Player 2 (to square E3). And it would move two squares towards Player 1 (D2 then D1 … it would not use the route D2 then C1 because that includes a diagonal which is slightly longer per Enemy Priority #1).

So, for an Enemy unit with an attack range of 4, Player 1 is the NEAREST even though it would take less moves if it moved towards Player 2… moving two squares towards Player 1 and only 1 square towards Player 2.

REMINDER: Enemies always go First after a Mission Update!

When you start a new main Mission (such as Mission C7A) you chose which of the heroes on your team will go first and the enemy goes after that.

HOWEVER … often (always?) when you complete a mission, you turn the page in the Campaign book and there is a Mission Update. If this update is a continuation of the current mission, then the Enemy will go First… ALWAYS.

The final game will have a reminder about this at the top of every applicable Mission Update!

A look at how I get ready for a new mission (and my mistakes)

I had a much better video planned out in my mind, but most of it blanked out as I was recording the real video :)  I didn’t explain why the enemy going first would have been much better the way I was thinking of setting things up (that oil barrel at the far right would have not only taken out two Yellow enemies but also badly damaged the red2 that moved next to it! I also didn’t explain “same trumps nearest” and might make a separate video about that!

The only real spoilers here are seeing the map and seeing the mission setup page in the Campaign book (and I forgot to explain the success criteria … that only Yellow 1 and 2 need to be destroyed to succeed).

If you don’t mind seeing the map and mission ahead of time, I do some explaining of how things work to help with planning for a mission! Here is the first video (followed by my Part 2 video where hopefully I am setting things up properly and I have new improved plans for Strategy and Tactics!):

Next watch my new improved strategy and tactics in Part 2:

TargetLock Laser Line pointer

While playing Rogue Angels, I often use the TargetLock Laser Line pointer from The Army Painter (who also is based in Denmark, just like Rogue Angels is based in Denmark). Here is a direct link to the Laser Pointer that I got from them:

=> Target lock Laser Line

This small device is great to see if one square on the map is in Line of Sight of another square! Simply push the button on the pointer and hold it to shine the laser line across the map and see if the two small dots in the center of each square have direct access or if a wall or obstacle blocks the Line of Sight.

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