TargetLock Laser Line pointer

While playing Rogue Angels, I often use the TargetLock Laser Line pointer from The Army Painter (who also is based in Denmark, just like Rogue Angels is based in Denmark). Here is a direct link to the Laser Pointer that I got from them:

=> Target lock Laser Line

This small device is great to see if one square on the map is in Line of Sight of another square! Simply push the button on the pointer and hold it to shine the laser line across the map and see if the two small dots in the center of each square have direct access or if a wall or obstacle blocks the Line of Sight.

2 thoughts on “TargetLock Laser Line pointer

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    1. Problem?

      There was no problem. This small laser pointer just helps see when an enemy (or your hero) is within Line of Sight! Attacks usually require Line of Sight, and some weapons have attack ranges of 7 or 8, so this pointer lets you shine a bright red light across the map from one center dot to the other center dot … and you then can see if there are any walls or obstacles block that narrow beam of light! If there is anything blocking it, then there is NO Line of Sight!


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