Same trumps Nearest (Enemy behavior)

IMPORTANT UPDATE! I checked with the Game Designer (thank you Emil). See the update IN RED inside the following article:

This is a quick short article regarding one aspect of the enemy behavior that can be used to our advantage! [update: only sometimes] Page 38 of the rulebook states that after moving towards one of our heroes, any attack that specifies “Same or Nearest” will always could be “Same” because, as the rules say:

Same “attackable” trumps Nearest

We can use that to our advantage with an enemy that is dangerously close to one of our heroes. For example, this Enemy Behavior:

If the enemy behavior is to first move towards the “most distant” hero and then attack “Same or nearest”, we know that first the enemy will move away from a nearby hero (phew) towards a more distant hero. And then when attacking it will attempt an attack against the “same” hero, and with some luck (and planning) that more distant hero will be out of range and the enemy will attempt an attack on the distant hero (unsuccessfully) and the nearest hero won’t be targeted at all. This is especially important if the enemy gets to attack twice after moving and the second attack targets “the second nearest hero”… thus the nearest hero escapes unharmed (and untargetted) but ONLY IF that same hero is “attackable” (ie, within LoS and attack range).

UPDATE: “same” in this case should be referred to as “same attackable” … it only can be the “same” **IF** that same hero is also in attack range! If it is out of attack range, then the behavior switches and attacks the “nearest”. (It was fun while it lasted:)

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