LoS is part of “2 spaces away”

Here is a wonderfully worded AND illustrated question from the Facebook Group from Andy Scott who said I could share it here (thank you Andy).

Actually, I had the same question but never thought to ask (I was just playing it wrong:)

Here is the section of Vera’s character sheet that displays her special ability:

By requiring Line of Sight (LoS) it actually helps Vera get those free rerolls! From the illustration above you can see that Vera IS within two squares of Hiro and would not get a free reroll. However, the blue wall is blocking her line of sight, so when counting squares, she would need to count squares that get her into Line of Sight … either 3 or 4 squares away from Hiro. The top route for counting is 1, 2, (3 Hiro). The route going down is even longer at 1, 2, 3, (4 Hiro).

Hiro’s special ability also references being more than 2 squares away (which lets him move 2 extra squares for his basic move AND 2 moves with his Basic Interact):

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