Line of Sight (LoS) and Range (and a slight difference with doors)

Here is a short video (less than 6 minutes) that uses a map segment from the boardgame Rogue Angels to show how Range and Line of Sight work in the game … and how DOORS are just a tad bit different! This article continues below the video:

Note: The same hero standee (Hiro) is used for all the examples, but the weapon Action Card is actually from another hero (Xalia). I kept the same hero there to not confuse things by swapping them. The Action Cards Grid Slicer (for Hiro) and Exo Shuriken (for Xalia) are included at the end of the article.

Here is that map segment with numbers and letters added that will be used in the article below it:

In the video, an enemy in square B with an attack range of 1 cannot attack our hero in square 2 because it is a range of 2 (out of range). However our hero also cannot attack that enemy even with a weapon that has a range of 2 because Line of Sight is blocked by the red wall on the map.

However, a door is slightly different. You calculate the range to a door using the square BEHIND the door. But Line of Sight to the door can be anywhere on the line where the door is placed! So, although our hero cannot attack the enemy that occupies the square behind the door (when the door has been removed) due to the wall blocking the Line of Sight … our hero CAN interact with the door using a interaction card with a range of 2 because it IS within range AND it also is within Line of Sight because the door itself is not blocked by a wall when viewed from the dot on the square where our hero is (square 2). Thus, when checking Line of Sight from square 2, we start at the dot in the middle of square 2 and “draw a line” to any part of the door itself… NOT to the dot in the center of the square behind the door (B) nor the dot in the center of the square in front of the door (F).

Exo Shuriken (attack range of 2):

Grid Slicer (interact range of 2):

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