Speed Run (Excellent Eight)

Half of our heroes can run, sprint, rush or even jet pack for at least 3 squares! The best mover is Vera with her Jet Pack that lets her jump 5 squares or even more with 1 die roll.

(1) Fastest Move: Jet Pack

Hero: Vera – She is the only hero that can move 5 squares (up to 7 with a good die roll). And the big bonus is that this is a JUMP so she can jump OVER things (like an acid river).

(2) Sprint

Hero: Adryel – This card moves one less square than Jet Pack but gives 2 dice to roll to increase it. With a perfect roll of +2 and +2 you could move 8 squares! But this is a standard move, and not a jump like the Jet Pack card (thus, it seems Jet Pack is the top of the line card for movement).

(3) Run and Brace

Hero: Eradicator – You also can move 4 squares with this card, but the die roll does not increase it. However, it does have the ability to deal 1 unblockable damage to an adjacent enemy to the square you stop at!

(4) Rush

Hero: Memnon – Move 3 squares (even 4 or 5 with a good die roll) PLUS gain 1 focus, or even gain 2 focus if you don’t use all your available moves.

(5) Run and Tear

Hero: Antathys – Move 3 squares (even more with a good die roll plus deal 1 unblockable damage to an adjacent enemy to the square you end on (and a red token will increase that damage to be 2!)

(6) Tactical Positioning

Hero: Gia – Move 3 squares (even more with a good die roll) and if there are no enemies within a range of 3 where you stop you also gain 1 focus and 1 shield.

(7) Close Combat Agility

Hero: Jastin – This card lets you choose to either move 3 squares (even more with a good die roll) OR to deal 3 damage to an adjacent enemy (increased damage via that die roll). You cannot do both (unless you use a green token which does let you do both). You can refer to the card as an ability (movement) or as a weapon (doing damage).

(8) Charge

Hero: Tarira – Move 3 squares with no chance to increase it via a die roll. However, you do 2 damage to an adjacent enemy to the square you end on.

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