Antathys – Choose Me!

Antathys has the most shields of any hero (and also the most available scar circles), but he also is ranked in four of the lists (long range weapon, unblockable attack, speed run and healing). However is very interesting that his Special Ability ties in with his Action Effect card so well.  He not only has the most shields of any hero, but he also can use one shield to slide his Effect card to the right to keep it on the cooldown track longer! And of course, he can also choose to slide an Action card to the left to get it back into the players hand quicker as well!

Key Three:

  1. Shields: The most shields (and available scars) of any hero
  2. Action Effect Card: At the end of every turn (as long as the card is on the cooldown track) deal 2 damage to every adjacent enemy
  3. Special Ability: Each turn you can spend one shield to gain “+1” to any action!


See the summary of all 16 Heroes:
=> Hero Info

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