Bassilus – Choose Me!

Bassilus has a very potent weapon! A grenade that can do 2 unblockable damage to everything in a 9 squares blast area (3×3 map squares). And adding another die to the basic actions means more than you might think, since they do not need an empty cooldown track to be used! And though Bassilus has only 2 focus available, he can recoup it whenever another adjacent hero takes a free die reroll.

Key Three:

  1. Action Card: A grenade that can be exploded at a range of up to 6 with an explosion blast damaging 9 squares (a block of 3×3 map squares)
  2. Special Ability:  Help fellow heroes who are adjacent to your location with a free reroll on every action and at the same time Bassilus gains one focus for himself
  3. Action Effect Card: As long as the card is in the cooldown track, both the basic move and the basic interact cards can roll 2 dice instead of just 1.


See the summary of all 16 Heroes:
=> Hero Info

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